I must be a very common demographic. I am a baby boomer who started receiving Social Security this year. My only other income is from my company retirement and some miscellaneous interest. I pay federal taxes on this income. Do I have to pay any taxes on the income I receive from Social Security? Questions […]
April 2, 2014
I received a lump-sum Social Security benefit. The one-time payment covered several prior years. Do I have to claim this income, and if so, how do I report this at to the IRS? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
If I sell shares in a mutual fund and reinvest the proceeds in another mutual fund from the same family of mutual funds, do I have to pay tax on any gain even though the gain will be reinvested? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
How does selling our home for a profit affect the income tax return we file and our tax liability? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
We are two unmarried parents of an infant child and we are living together with the child for the entire taxable year in 2013. Both of us parents are contributing to the cost of maintaining the household for the child and ourselves. Can we both file as head of household? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April […]
April 2, 2014
Am I better off filing as head of household or as a qualified widow? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
Can I file as single even though my divorce is not final? I did not live with my spouse at all this year. Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
Last year for 2012’s tax return, I was not able to itemize my mortgage interest since I didn’t have enough deductions to justify itemizing anything. My 2013 taxable year is different – can I add 2012’s interest to this year’s (2013) amount and deduct them both? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
Who is eligible for the earned income tax credit when both a child and a grandchild live with the grandparents of the grandchild? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
This must seem like a stupid question, but if I am recently married, must I file as married? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
April 2, 2014
Retired. Do I have to pay taxes on Social Security?">
Retired. Do I have to pay taxes on Social Security?
April 2, 2014I must be a very common demographic. I am a baby boomer who started receiving Social Security this year. My only other income is from my company retirement and some miscellaneous interest. I pay federal taxes on this income. Do I have to pay any taxes on the income I receive from Social Security? Votes: […]
Read More ➧Lump-sum Social Security payment covered several years.">
Lump-sum Social Security payment covered several years.
April 2, 2014I received a lump-sum Social Security benefit. The one-time payment covered several prior years. Do I have to claim this income, and if so, how do I report this at to the IRS? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧ Selling a mutual fund – buying another back-to-back.">
Selling a mutual fund – buying another back-to-back.
April 2, 2014If I sell shares in a mutual fund and reinvest the proceeds in another mutual fund from the same family of mutual funds, do I have to pay tax on any gain even though the gain will be reinvested? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧Selling our home for a profit. Affect our taxes?">
Selling our home for a profit. Affect our taxes?
April 2, 2014How does selling our home for a profit affect the income tax return we file and our tax liability? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧Two “head of households” ?">
Two “head of households” ?
April 2, 2014We are two unmarried parents of an infant child and we are living together with the child for the entire taxable year in 2013. Both of us parents are contributing to the cost of maintaining the household for the child and ourselves. Can we both file as head of household? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April […]
Read More ➧ Am I better off filing as head of household or as a qualified widow?">Am I better off filing as head of household or as a qualified widow?April 2, 2014Am I better off filing as head of household or as a qualified widow? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧Can I file as single even though my divorce is not final?">
Can I file as single even though my divorce is not final?
April 2, 2014Can I file as single even though my divorce is not final? I did not live with my spouse at all this year. Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧ Carry forward mortgage interest?">Carry forward mortgage interest?April 2, 2014Last year for 2012’s tax return, I was not able to itemize my mortgage interest since I didn’t have enough deductions to justify itemizing anything. My 2013 taxable year is different – can I add 2012’s interest to this year’s (2013) amount and deduct them both? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧Eligibility for earned income tax credit">
Eligibility for earned income tax credit
April 2, 2014Who is eligible for the earned income tax credit when both a child and a grandchild live with the grandparents of the grandchild? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
Read More ➧ If I’m married, must I file as married?">If I’m married, must I file as married?April 2, 2014This must seem like a stupid question, but if I am recently married, must I file as married? Votes: 0 Answers: 0 April 2, 2014 admin
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